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    Not to be confused with Serenophobia, fear of fair weather


Serenephobia (from Latin serene, "mermaid") is the fear of mermaids.

A person may develop this phobia after hearing frightening stories about mermaids or alleged reports of mermaids in real life.

A serenephobic person may avoid entering bodies of water for fear of mermaids pulling them underwater and drowning them, though they may be willing to enter a small body of clear and shallow water such as a swimming pool.

This phobia can be treated by reassuring the serenophobe that there are few to no documented cases of people getting injured from mermaids and that mermaids are not proven to exist. However, this method may not always work, as irrational phobias are not dependent on reason.

Phobias of legendary beings
Alienophobia (fear of aliens) · Angelophobia (fear of angels) · Bogyphobia (fear of bogeymen) · Demonophobia (fear of demons) · Dracophobia (fear of dragons) · Kinemortophobia (fear of zombies) · Kryptophobia (fear of cryptids) · Lupophobia (fear of werewolves) · Phasmophobia (fear of ghosts) · Pneumatiphobia (fear of spirits) · Sanguivoriphobia (fear of vampires) · Satanophobia (fear of Satan) · Serenephobia (fear of mermaids) · Skelephobia (fear of skeletons) · Teraphobia (fear of monsters) · Wiccaphobia (fear of witches) · Zeusophobia (fear of God)